
直口, 短頸, 豐肩,鼓腹,腹下漸收,撇足,平底,具有一平帽沿,兩開窗繪以花卉,蓮花苞頂鈕,金絲琺瑯彩遍繪荷葉蓮花之頂蓋. 這是一尊乾隆官窯燒製最美,最精緻與最吉祥的瓷胎金絲琺瑯彩與粉彩混合的瓷瓶, 造型挺拔,氣勢宏偉,散發清朝皇家所祈求的吉祥尊融氣氛,遍佈金絲構圖,翠綠粉彩荷葉及粉紅蓮花錦地,荷葉及蓮花的色彩為很少有的漸綠及漸紅粉彩色階,瓶開兩大窗兩面小窗,帽蓋亦開兩小窗,各窗皆以天青粉彩為底,淡描以雲朵及竹影.窗內各以琺瑯彩繪牡丹花叢,藏棲長尾帝雉及其他鳥禽,花鳥各勾勒以金絲填以琺瑯彩,帽蓋頂具有以尚未綻開蓮花蕾為蓋鈕, 整體為觀賞瓶無上之極品. 瓶底篆體字落款"大清乾隆年製“高(連蓋):55cm, 口徑:19.8cm,腹圍:117cm.底圍:69cm .12.96kg.
This is a gilt-enamel  porcelain general vase made by the loyal pottery of Qian-Long, Chin Dynasty. Cylinder mouth, short neck, rich shoulder, large belly, reducing below, rounder foot. A noble cover on the top. The cover have two window that draw beautiful flowers, and many gilt-enamel leaves and lotus on the full cover, A very beautiful lotus bud right on the top for the button of cover, just like a general wear a hat. The structure is straight forward and eminent. The vehemence is great. All the vase is pictured with gilt-enamel lotus, lotus’s leaves, and vines, as the base of pattern. There are four open window, two large and two small windows, the larger window had pictured a pair long tail pigeons stage between peony flowers and tree, a pair pheasants seeking food between bamboo and flowers, the small window had plum flowers, peach and other fruit. Very beautiful, delicate and auspicious for the watching and enjoining. The bottom is sky-blue enamel, and had six characters “Made in Qian-Long year, Chin-Dynasty” seal mark and of the periods. High: 55cm, diameter of mouth 19.8 cm, circle of belly: 117cm, circle of foot: 69cm, and weight :12.96kg.